Academic Oreientation is one the event on the FEP that have a big point in there. This event is similar or we can call it simulator of the real lectures of binus. this event is running for about 2 weeks. on this event we are being introduced about the lecturer, the subject, the study program, and many more. at the beginning i can’t understand on the subject because the lecturer so fast on teaching. and eventually i am just like hear a story from weird language. but when i am asking my friend to help me, i am starting to understand. and beside the lectures we are also told about the rule and many part of the support center for the students. and at this section was not really fun because all of the part is about formality and its kind. but this part is important for frontwards
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General Orientation
General oreintation is one of the event on FEP at Binus. I was attended this event about 1 weeks long. this event had such a many great thing to be attended.
there are preceptor from seniors called Buddy contractor. they are so friendly with us and make the GO section so fun. they also tell us many tips, like the delicious food stalls around binus. in the GO section they told them about the lectures of binus. I had many question about it, because i think the regulation in binus was so complicated and i am so confused about that. but at last i am starting to understand when i try open binusmaya and read the schedule, course, and many things else.
In the middle of the event we had an independence ceremony because its on 17th august and located kijang campus. when the ceremony go on some student was collapsed. and i’m so startled when i see some many of them was be carried by the staff of binus to the medical room. but the ceremony still running without stop. and after the ceremony we are participate on some contest like tug of war, eat crackers, racing marbles, and many things. on that day was so many fun and we are enjoying this section so much.
and the last day we had a togetherness section. on that section we are showing our togetherness with yell-yell. there are 14 group and we are racing to be a good and unique one. but somehow the other group was more than great than us and win that contest. but at least we are try our best and do many thing to win that contest.
so that’s all about my GO event that i attended. i hope in the next year our juniors had a great event like this or even more.
Organization skill
organization skill is an important skill that we need to face working world. in FEP I learn it so much. there are many things that useful onwards, such as leadership, teamwork, planning, time management, and many more.
I learn about leadership from how to make people believe me to lead them. in FEP General Orientation there is a leader to called komti(leader for each class). this komti need to lead their class to be more appreciates on General Oreintation event. and from that we learn how hard to organize many people. but, this is the good part of learning, like the wise man’s say “Enjoy difficulties. Because of the difficulties behind it must be easy”. so we try to be more unite for this event. and at last, we are more than united. we are a familly now.
so the conclusion is this organization skill is morely like to a soft skill that we as a human need to socializing each other.
HTTP is an event that organized by HIMTI which is only held for the new member of them. The continuation of HTTP is Himti Togetherness and Top Performance and had a theme passion, innovation, and togetherness. This event had a purpose to welcoming the new member of them so they can know more the organization of HIMTI, and also they induct the new member of them so they can more feel suitable in HIMTI. This years HIMTI organize the HTTP event at M.H.Thamrin street,BPPT II building and held on September 10th,2016 from 09.00 am until 6 pm. This event is rich of greet performance like the band, the visiualization, break movie, talk show, DJ ,and many interesting performance. From HIMTI itself provides many benefits for the participants. they provides the transportation form binus to BPPT II Building, T-shirt, Lunch, PBC(a class to learn more about C programing), HIMTI kit, and a door prize. All of this benefit its only cost Rp. 150.000. From my opinion this event is good for the new member to be more familiar to the organization. On the Visualization part they explain everything about organization through the drama, they explain how to having a good team work so they can achieve their purpose well. I hope for the next year this event is more exciting and powerful.
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